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Tarryn Fisher

Author of The Wives

32 Works 5,596 Members 329 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Tarryn Fisher

Image credit: Tarryn Fisher at BookExpo at the Javits Center in New York City, May 2019. By Rhododendrites - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=79387618


Works by Tarryn Fisher

The Wives (2019) 1,348 copies
The Wrong Family (2020) 579 copies
Never Never: Part One (2015) 578 copies
The Opportunist (2011) 338 copies
An Honest Lie (2022) 289 copies
Mud Vein (2014) 246 copies
Never Never: Part Two (2015) 220 copies
Marrow (2015) 205 copies
Never Never: Part Three (2016) 185 copies
Dirty Red (2012) 170 copies
Thief (2013) 143 copies
F*ck Love (2015) 121 copies
Bad Mommy (2017) 74 copies
I Can Be A Better You (2016) 69 copies
Atheists Who Kneel and Pray (2017) 66 copies
Good Half Gone (2024) 59 copies
F*ck Marriage (2019) 44 copies
Folsom (2018) 31 copies
Jackal (2018) 19 copies
The Wrong Family (2023) 5 copies
Tre mogli (2021) 5 copies
Kasper 3 copies
Margo (2017) 3 copies
Daddiopath 2 copies
Fruarna 1 copy
Crawlspace 1 copy


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Common Knowledge

c 1982
South Africa
Johannesburg, South Africa
Places of residence
Seattle, Washington, USA
Short biography
Tarryn was born and raised in Johannesburg, South Africa. She immigrated to America with her parents when she was thirteen, and spent the next eighteen years in South Florida where she earned her degree in Psychology, wrote her first novel, and had two children. In 2012, on a whim, she moved her family to Seattle, Washington where she currently makes her home safely away from the sun. Tarryn is the founder of Guise of the Villain, a fashion blog, and has written ten published novels. Tarryn is a Slytherin.



OMG!! I have read hundreds of books in my lifetime, but never have I been so affected by one. I normally finish one and then move on, but Tarryn Fisher has written this one so well and took me on such an emotional roller coaster that I have no idea where I am or what I am supposed to do next (besides read Dirty Red)!
I have read some amazing reviews of this entire series and I am glad that I had the foresight to purchase all three titles when I did, otherwise I don't think I would have been able to pick up another book between them!

Olivia and Caleb have a relationship that has it's ups and downs, mostly downs, and while you can see from the beginning that they would be great together, you just know that it will never work out. Olivia is a classic child of neglect and circumstance, she is afraid to let anyone really in and it shows in her relationships, romantic and platonic. Her college roommate Cammie is a character and i was glad to see her in strategic spots throughout the story.

Olivia met Caleb in college, he was your typical good looking jock from the outside and every girl wanted him, well every girl but Olivia. They do end up "dating" and for a short while things are good; then of course Olivia pushes him away. There is a decent gap where the two are not together and Caleb isn't even acknowledging Olivia, but she continues to "stalk" him through friends of Cammie's and eventually she sees an opportunity to get him back.. Enter the abortion and Olivia's subsequent rumor starting through Cammie and a Frat party and the two are back together.

In true Olivia fashion, things get really serious and when she is almost finished with college she happens upon something that tears them apart..She of course goes off and does something worse and confesses a whole bunch of the things she did. Caleb's parting words broke my heart...

“I will love again, Olivia, you will hurt forever. What you’ve done is…You are worthless because you make yourself that way. You will remember me every day for the rest of your life because I was the one and you threw me away.”

Now keep in mind that all of the previous is learned through "flashback" chapters to the past. The book is told in the present after Olivia and Caleb have spent three years apart. Caleb was in an accident and has amnesia...There is a chance encounter between the two, and Olivia uses this to her advantage and has Caleb back for what she assumes is just a short time. Caleb has moved on and while he doesn't remember his current girlfriend he stayed with her because it was what was expected of him. Leah is one character that I did not like at all, even before "meeting" her she was on the bottom of my list. This charade that Olivia is playing does end up biting her is the butt when Leah finds out the truth. She of course threatens to tell Caleb and Olivia runs instead of facing the consequences. She runs off to Texas to stay with Cammie and years pass...

Not going to give away the rest, but know that the two do come back together again...though not the way you would like to think...
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chaoticmel | 28 other reviews | May 18, 2024 |
Holy Sh*t!! I never saw it coming.. I knew there was a reason that I never liked Leah.. Conniving bi**h that she is!!!
chaoticmel | 17 other reviews | May 18, 2024 |
I put off finishing this one for as long as I could stand. I was so wrapped up in Caleb and Olivia's story that I never even noticed the POV changes.
I can not believe everything that these two went through, and not just in this book, but in all of them.
I felt as emotionally connected to these two as I have ever felt to any characters in the hundreds of books I have read. It hurt to walk away from them, but I really didn't want to ever see this book end! I laughed and I cried, though I mostly cried. Their's was an epic love, even if it was steeped in lies and a whole lot of anger. I was glad not to see a whole lot of Leah, and the bits she was in just confirmed my hatred for her. Estella was a ray of sunshine for both Caleb and Olivia and I am glad that even through tragedy and all that Leah put them through they were able to find each other and "start over".

Make sure you pick up the first book and read them in order.. Be prepared to be emotionally invested in all three books, even if you hate Leah as much as I do. This is one set of books that I will be coming back to again and again.
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chaoticmel | 14 other reviews | May 18, 2024 |
Representation: N/A
Trigger warnings: N/A
Score: Four out of ten.
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What a disappointment that was.

I wanted to read Never, Never cowritten by Colleen Hoover and Tarryn Fisher, but I put it off for a few months before finally picking it up at a library. I glanced at the blurb, which didn't seem too intriguing, as it is only a romance. I lowered my expectations after seeing the low ratings and when I closed the final page, it was underwhelming.

Before I begin: Never, Never was three separate novellas, before being combined into one singular novel, which is the reason the chapter numbers reset each time I read a new part. Anyway. It starts with Charlie Wynwood and Silas Nash in a relationship in the opening pages, until all their memories of them being together were gone, perhaps due to someone wiping part of their memories.

Now, Charlie and Silas must figure out why they seemingly forgot they were together for the remainder of the narrative, but Hoover and Fisher missed many opportunities to improve it. Never, Never is a YA romance. It could've been an epic combination of multiple genres, including sci-fi and mystery, but it predominantly focuses on the more realistic aspects. Why? I'm unsure. Hoover is a popular author but I've only read one of her creations a few days ago, making me think I missed the hype, but her other works could either be at, below or above the level of Never Never, but I can't say for sure until I read more from her.

The characters could've been improved as they lacked depth and I couldn't go deeper into them, but putting more of that could improve the reading experience, and Charlie and Silas didn't have any chemistry. The pacing is slow for a story under 300 pages, even with the premise of a sci-fi mystery which the authors never used. There isn't any page time dedicated to any side characters, but there's a lot of time where Charlie and Silas are in a relationship. Adding them would provide a break from the protagonists. I might read from these authors again, but I'll lower my expectations from here.
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Law_Books600 | 5 other reviews | May 17, 2024 |



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