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Ruth Minsky Sender

Author of The Cage

6+ Works 853 Members 49 Reviews 1 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the name: Ruth Minsky Sender

Works by Ruth Minsky Sender

The Cage (1986) 699 copies
To Life (1988) 120 copies
The Holocaust Lady (1992) 31 copies
While There's Life… (2018) 1 copy

Associated Works


Common Knowledge

Other names
Minska, Rifkele Riva (birth name)
Lodz, Poland
Places of residence
Lodz, Poland
Long Island, New York, USA
Holocaust survivor
Short biography
Ruth Minsky Sender was born Rifkele Riva Minska to a Jewish family in Łódź, Poland, the fourth of seven children. Before the invasion of Poland in World War II, her older sisters fled to Russia to escape forced labor. Ruith, her mother, and three younger brothers were forced into the Łódź Ghetto. In September 1942, their mother was seized by the Nazis during a raid of the ghetto, leaving young Ruth to care for her brothers. They were rounded up with other Jews in the ghetto and sent to Auschwitz. She was transported to a labor camp in Mittelsteine, where she contracted blood poisoning from a cut to her hand and was hospitalized. She was then deported to the labor camp at Grafenort, Germany. She survived and was liberated by the Red Army. After the war, she returned to Łódź with friends from the camp and met Moniek Senderowicz (later Sender), whom she married six weeks later. They decided they could not live in Poland and arranged to be sent to a displaced persons camp in Germany, where two of their four children were born. Ruth was later reunited with one brother and the sisters who had escaped to Russia.
The family emigrated to the USA, settling on Long Island, New York. She wrote four books about her Holocaust experiences, The Cage (1986), To Life (1988), Remember Your Name (1997), and Holocaust Lady (1999).



A really amazing Holocaust narrative that I can't believe I haven't read before. It did a wonderful job of showing the emotion behind Riva's life in the ghetto and in the camps. A great example of Holocaust Lit aimed at young adults.
Monj | 46 other reviews | Jan 7, 2022 |
The Cage was a true story and consists of real experiences. Fortunately I find no fault with it because of that. However, I suppose that Ruth could have done quite a few things better. For one, she actually decided to go the labor camp. Over the course of the book, Ruth is constantly reminded of how terrible the living conditions and the fates of many laborers yet she still goes to one with her siblings. I'm also confused on why Ruth fell in love during the book. I mean, her siblings and her own well-being should be the only thing that matters to her in my opinion. Also, Ruth's siblings buying her a new dress was very impractical because they decreased Ruth's bread rations without her consent. The kindness of the gift was rather sweet, but pretty stupid in the long-run. Other than these minor things, I can't find anything wrong with the book.… (more)
MalayaC.B2 | 46 other reviews | Mar 20, 2018 |
This book is about a teenage girl named Riva. Riva is a Polish Jew during the Holocaust . Her mother has died so she has to take care of the family as best as she can on her own. Riva has a few brother but sadly all of them die of sickness or hunger until only two of them are left. Eventually they all agree to go to a camp because they are starving and the camps promise food (along with the extremely hard slave labor). Riva ends up getting separated from her brothers and they go to different camps. Eventually the remaining prisoners from Riva's camp are saved by Russian Jews just before the Nazi guards were about to execute them.

I thought this was a great book. It showed the true details of how terrible the Holocaust was. Nothing was left out to lessen the impact of what truly happened during World War 2. This book was extremely sad...and it should be! I liked how the story was completely true. Nothing was fake or made up. The author did a great job depicting the events of the Holocaust. I would recommend this book, but be warned- it's a hard read emotionally.
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jacobc.b1 | 46 other reviews | Jun 7, 2016 |
The Cage is a book which takes place in WW2 in Germany. It all starts on a sunny day everyone is happy and all are enjoying their lives, one day the Nazis said that Jews were not allowed to own any businesses, homes or any belongings like chairs and beds. Riva, the main character in the story had a lot of brothers in which one died of lack of vitamins. Rivas mom was taken away by the Nazis to a Concentration Camp. Rive and her brothers were spared, Riva and her brothers would hide in the cellar when the Nazis came in looking for Jews. Riva later on also had a problem with lack of Vitamins, but she was saved when her brothers exchanged their bread for a lime so Riva could get the Vitamins she needed. But the day did come when all Jews were forced onto the train to the Concentration Camps, Rriva and her brothers were sent to "Auschwitz', a concentration camp.

In "Auschwitz' everyone had to take all there belongings and put them in a pile, they had to take all their Close off and their heads were shaven. They were pushed into showers with cold water and had to eat boiled grass. A long time later Riva and a lot of Girls were sent to a different Camp, Riva was separated from her brothers. At the new camp they were relived that they're were no Gas Cambers but the Commandant who was in charge of the camp wasn't very nice. Now every day they had to go and work in the factory, Riva has been writing poems for the camp prisoners to get their hope up. One day though Riva got a blood disease in her right arm, after the Camp commandant was talked into letting Riva to a Hospital Rivas arm got better. After that Riva was suppose to work in a Solder Hospital where Riva meets a nice Russian Lady, who was feeding and bathing Riva. After the Camp entertained the Soldiers and Riva got a new poem book they were shipped off to another camp, at this camp no one was happy they had to dig dirt ditches and work all day. The next day were the Soldiers took them all on a "Death March", suddenly all the Soldiers flee and they're all saved by a Russian Jew who takes them to a safe place.

I give this book three stars because it never got me into reading it. When Riva's Mom was separated from them I was sad. The book was rather hard to read, because of how the story is told they never say what happens to the Russian Lady. This book is very sad so I recommend it for people who like sad books. I did enjoy how this book is a true story and how it teaches me how they have lived in 1945.
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TristanG.B1 | 46 other reviews | Jun 3, 2016 |


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