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Dec 20, 2006
About My Library
Anything with 3 or more stars is ok.

I have always imagined that paradise will be a kind of library. - Jorge Luis Borges
About Me

Only my books anoint me, and a few friends, those who reach into my veins. - Anne Sexton

Favorite author: Jorge Luis Borges

Dreamtigers Seven Nights Collected Fictions

The Writing of the God is one of the most scalp-crinkling mystical stories ever ~ next to which the epiphanies of Joyce or redemptions of O'Connor seem pallid and crude. Amazing how many writers fashion entire careers stealing from Borges.

Listening to: Janos Rolla, Janos Starker & Janos Toth. i lose myself in Starker's Bach: Suites for Cello.

Atlanta, GA
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