
SF (657), novel (636), unread (444), series (381), science fiction (350), fantasy (276), female author (186), dad's books (179), culled (120), omnibus (96), BOX 5 (96), nonfiction (93), mystery/crime (88), BOX 6 (88), also a film (83), ebook (73), humor (66), kindle (62), Britannica Great Books (60), anthology (56), BOX 7 (53), translated (52), comics (51), classics (50), short stories (45), detective (44), horror (43), manga (42), TV (37), BOX 8 (35), favorites (34), music (34), reference (31), BOX 2 (30), YA (30), cats (24), BOX 3 (21), "The Cat Who..." series (21), BOX 4 (20), philosophy (20), feminism (20), Alliance-Union milieu (20), Star Trek (19), literature (19), pseudonym (18), sheet music (18), hardcover (17), Japanese (17), history (16), science (16), Sandman (16), Donald E. Westlake (15), religion (14), Love Hina Series (14), Harry Potter series (13), afterlife (13), psychology (13), trilogy (13), Babylon 5 (13), Scientology (13), mysticism (13), Africa (12), Parker series (12), Utena (12), time travel (12), biography (12), Christianity (11), essays (11), stripped cover (11), anthropology (11), historical (11), satire (11), alternate history (11), Mission Earth decalogy (10), shared world (10), political science (10), Chronicles of Amber (10), Barsoom (9), Star Trek: TNG (9), Star Trek: TOS (9), instructional (9), Dortmunder (9), magick (9), Kinky Friedman (9), self-help (9), WWII (9), schoolbook (9), artbook (8), Dark Tower (8), signed by author (8), Merovingen Nights series (8), Dark Tower series (8), Alliance/Union milieu (8), Riverworld series (7), Books of Magic (7), dystopia (7), how-to (7), post-apocalyptic (7), first trilogy (7), urban fantasy (7), original trilogy (7), Humanx Commonwealth (6), Pip & Flinx (6), Heinlein's Future History (6), Humble Bundle 3 (6), instrumental method (6), Atevi series (6), PDF ebook (6), nook (6), eBook (6), Discworld series (6), Wizard of 4th Street series (6), art (6), Incal universe (5), Dirty Pair (5), Well World series (5), Timewars series (5), Fletch series (5), drugs (5), mythology (5), Spawn series (5), Cowboy Bebop (5), second trilogy (5), original series (5), John Carter (5), English language (5), second series (5), guitar (5), technique (5), dictionary (5), language (5), Qabalah (5), Doctor Who (5), How Few Remain/Great War/American Empire series (5), alien invasion (5), first series (4), Operation series (4), bass guitar (4), Middle Earth milieu (4), DIY (4), scripture (4), Lord of the Rings trilogy (4), Murray family (4), Four Lords of the Diamond series (4), Tripods series (4), Heechee saga (4), Chanur series (4), Irish (4), Newford (4), Chrestomanci (4), LibraryThing Early Reviewers (4), Circle of Light (4), Time Quartet (4), Worldwar series (4), novelization (4), Ender Wiggin series (4), meditation (4), Japanese language (4), Aleister Crowley (4), military history (4), autobiography (4), rock & roll (4), poetry (4), piano (4), sex (4), companion (4), prequel (4), donated (4), sociology (4), physics (4), divination (4), comb bound (4), Space Trilogy (3), family (3), Gaea trilogy (3), cyberpunk (3), hobby (3), Hainish cycle (3), Genesis Wave trilogy (3), Chinese mysticism (3), pets (3), computers (3), Allan Quatermain (3), Schrödinger's Cat trilogy (3), Incal series (3), gaming (3), Dune series (3), Francis Xavier Flynn (3), Asian cuisine (3), cooking (3), Alan Grofield (3), Sherlock Holmes (3), travel (3), fairy tales (3), theology (3), Sword of Knowledge trilogy (3), The Faded Sun trilogy (3), games (3), Psi-Corps trilogy (3), Centauri Prime trilogy (3), Technomage trilogy (3), Heroes in Hell series (3), G.O.D. Inc. trilogy (3), Russian series (3), Neustrian Cycle (3), Known Space milieu (3), Juanita High School (3), education (3), Arbai trilogy (3), apologetics (3), Netwalkers series (3), WWI (3), fiction (3), seventh Doctor (3), children's books (3), I Ching (3), Ayesha (3), Pink Floyd (3), rock music (3), Chronicles of the Deryni (3), Thomas Covenant the Unbeliever (3), yoga (3), illustrated (3), Foundation series (3), Romantic period (3), braided novel (3), True Game series (3), Dayworld series (3), Neil Gaiman (3), Thelema (3), Congo (3), commemorative (3), gonzo (3), yearbook (3), Lum (3), electronics (3), memento (3), Philippines (2), computer language (2), first person shooters (2), tarot (2), chord fingerings (2), computer hardware (2), cannabis (2), Eternal Champion (2), Death subseries (2), on loan (2), Technopriests series (2), Heavy Time/Hellburner (2), Robert Anton Wilson (2), Morgaine series (2), personality types (2), two copies (2), Terran Trade Authority Handbook (2), Kalahari (2), myth (2), fanfic (2), piano arrangement (2), study bible (2), Moonheart/Spiritwalk duology (2), Minecraft (2), spin-off (2), Imzadi series (2), PC games (2), folklore (2), corporate intrigue (2), Zulu tribe (2), cookbook (2), computer programming (2), Ranma (2), Chrestomanci series (2), string theory (2), strategy guide (2), television (2), theoretical physics (2), military SF (2), evolution (2), Myers-Briggs (2), Java (2), Christian literature (2), Chronicles of Narnia (2), thesaurus (2), Dad's books (2), bushmen (2), politics (2), blues (2), Ringworld series (2), Dance of the Rings trilogy (2), 18th century (2), Stainless Steel Rat series (2), The Awakeners series (2), novellas (2), Finisterre series (2), Dirk Gently (2), PCs (2), Hinduism (2), exploration (2), parody (2), Historical Illuminatus Chronicles (2), Secret Books of Paradys (2)
Tag Cloud, Author Cloud, Tag Mirror
Oct 27, 2006
Real Name
About My Library

I'm mostly a fan of science fiction and fantasy, with a preference for the former. I consider both to share the heading "speculative fiction" so that's why both sci-fi and fantasy books carry the "SF" tag in my library.

The tag "dad's books" is assigned to the books I inherited from my father after he died in June 2000. William Morris and H. Rider Haggard are the two writers that I associate with him most closely in my mind. He also had an interest in history and anthropology, as evidenced by certain titles in his collection. And I have him to thank for my "Britannica Great Books of the Western World" set. Thanks, dad.

Some entries are tagged "stripped cover". Most of these are from a midnight raid on a Crown Books dumpster, during a sleepover at a friend's house in 6th or 7th grade (the rest are simply because the cover wore out, fell off, and was lost before I could tape it back on.)

I've also included a few ebooks in PDF format; most of these came down the feeds of the short fiction podcasts Escape Pod and Variant Frequencies, usually as a promotion when the release of the print version was imminent.

LT Early Reviewers Acquisitions To Date: 3
Modern Magic - Anne Cordwainer (reviewed)
If God Were Real - John Avant (reviewed)
The World Is Open: How Web Technology Is Revolutionizing Education - Curtis J. Bonk (currently reading)
About Me
Well, look, stePH's just this guy, you know?
Portland, Oregon
Currently Reading
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