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Dec 31, 2006
Real Name
Sarah Hadley
About My Library

I've loved books since I was a little, little girl and (I am so told) my parents sat me down and read me my very first chapter book, "Charlotte's Web" by E.B. White. In fact, I probably even loved them before that, when I was reading the labels off of crayons - I just didn't know it yet. Now I'm older, I like darker and sadder books than I once did, but my tastes remain largely the same: classic science fiction, modern dark fantasy, humorous and slightly off-kilter novels, British mysteries and high quality children's books. Add in a few scripts and plays and you've got a pretty good cross-section, right there.

About Me

My name's Sarah. I'm a freelance editor and the books I read are probably the most interesting thing about me.

Knoxville, TN, USA
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