Picture of author.

Douglas Clegg

Author of Neverland

76+ Works 4,062 Members 96 Reviews 10 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the names: Doug Clegg, Douglas Clegg, Douglass Clegg

Also includes: Andrew Harper (2)

Image credit: www.vjbooks.com


Works by Douglas Clegg

Neverland (1991) 321 copies
Nightmare House (2002) 271 copies
The Priest of Blood (2005) 243 copies
Mordred, Bastard Son (2007) 239 copies
The Hour Before Dark (2002) 218 copies
Isis (2006) 213 copies
The Infinite (2002) 191 copies
You Come When I Call You (2000) 174 copies
Mischief (2000) 170 copies
Afterlife (2004) 166 copies
Breeder (1990) 161 copies
The Halloween Man (1998) 160 copies
Naomi (2001) 140 copies
Bad Karma (1997) 138 copies
The Nightmare Chronicles (1999) 135 copies
The Abandoned (2005) 121 copies
The Attraction (2003) 119 copies
Goat Dance (1989) 108 copies
The Childrens Hour (1995) 103 copies
The Lady of Serpents (2006) 103 copies
The Queen of Wolves (2007) 77 copies
Dark of the Eye (1994) 57 copies
Wild Things: Four Tales (2006) 54 copies
The Necromancer (2003) 46 copies
Night Cage (2004) 44 copies
The Machinery of Night (2004) 27 copies
The Words (2009) 20 copies
Night Asylum (2012) 19 copies
Cemetery Dance Issue 62 (2009) 9 copies
Cemetery Dance Issue 50 (2004) 7 copies
Underworld 5 copies
The Dark Game (2017) 5 copies
Cemetery Dance Issue 64 (2010) 4 copies
The Stain: A Short Story (2012) 4 copies
Funerary Rites (2015) 4 copies
265 And Heaven 3 copies
Belinda In The Pool (2012) 3 copies
Cemetery Dance Issue 67 (2012) 3 copies
Wolf 2 copies
The Faces (2019) 2 copies
The American 2 copies
The Wicked 1 copy
Night Towns 1 copy
Mrs. Bluebeard (2020) 1 copy
Chosen 1 copy
Only Connect 1 copy
Becoming Men 1 copy

Associated Works

Love in Vein: Twenty Original Tales of Vampiric Erotica (1994) — Contributor — 782 copies
October Dreams: A Celebration of Halloween (2000) — Contributor — 263 copies
Hint Fiction: An Anthology of Stories in 25 Words or Fewer (2010) — Contributor — 133 copies
Little Deaths (1995) — Contributor — 132 copies
Four Dark Nights (2002) — Contributor — 113 copies
Queer Fear: Gay Horror Fiction (2000) — Contributor — 96 copies
Twists of the Tale: An Anthology of Cat Horror (1996) — Contributor — 87 copies
Dante's Disciples (1996) — Contributor — 74 copies
Best New Horror 3 (1992) — Contributor — 74 copies
Lethal Kisses: 18 Tales of Sex, Horror, and Revenge (1996) — Contributor, some editions — 53 copies
The Mammoth Book of Best New Horror 08 (1997) — Contributor — 52 copies
100 Fiendish Little Frightmares (1997) — Cover artist — 46 copies
Forbidden Acts (1995) — Contributor — 43 copies
100 Tiny Tales of Terror (1996) — Contributor — 33 copies
Phantoms of the Night (1996) — Contributor — 30 copies
Shivers (2002) 29 copies
Shivers II (2003) 25 copies
South From Midnight (1994) — Contributor — 13 copies
Cemetery Dance Issue 61 (2009) 11 copies
Imagination Fully Dilated (Anthology) (1998) — Contributor — 9 copies
Subterranean Gallery (1999) — Contributor — 5 copies


anthology (492) C (23) collection (30) dark fantasy (27) ebook (86) erotica (88) fantasy (459) fiction (532) first edition (23) ghosts (50) gothic (24) Halloween (32) hardcover (41) horror (1,260) Kindle (22) limited (24) mystery (29) novel (48) novella (23) own (71) owned (25) paperback (43) paranormal (25) PDF (22) read (56) series (23) sf (51) sf stories (23) sff (30) short stories (376) signed (106) speculative fiction (51) supernatural (45) thriller (24) to-read (450) unread (90) vampire (49) vampires (129) written-by-colleagues-and-friends (33) year's best (25)

Common Knowledge

Other names
Harper, Andrew
Alexandria, Virginia, USA



Interesting story-line will keep you on your toes. Unexpected twists and good writing kept the story flowing at a good pace. Actually read it twice, a couple years apart.
tLilly | 2 other reviews | Oct 21, 2022 |
I am diffidently a fan of Dean Koontz, Stephen King, Bentley Little and Robert R. McCammon...so this story was written for me. It was written also for you if you love the work of any of these authors. The account is told from the point of view of 10-year-old Beau Jackson. It's what occurred on his last vacation on Gull Island off the coast of Georgia. This is not anything like the Hawaiian Islands. No lovely oasis in sight...never has been and never will be. It's an unhospitable, unwelcoming, sparsely populated, humid, hot and swampy mess, but his "granny" lives there in her large, creepy old house. Beau is not alone. His cousin, Sumter, (I never want to meet this kid), shares his summer on the island. To say Sumter is strange and a little "off", is an understatement. At times he's just downright disgusting. I actually had chills and shutters to some of his antics...and nothing usually bother me unless an animal is being mistreated. Beau always seems to suffer from Sumter's actions, from following behind him through prickly bushes to the larger escapades that Sumter draws him into. The two boys may seem like opposites, but they share a gift...a startling, vivid imagination. The adults in this story are a classic example of why some people should never be allowed to reproduce under any circumstances...so the boys are basically on their own, and they take full advantage of it. I love creepy, scary movies but they don't scare me...this book, Neverland,DID! What existed in that shack the boys played in had waited eons for just the right souls to come along...and the two boys were perfect for IT...an innocent one and a tainted one. Neverland is one of the most compellingly creepy, horrific, stories I've ever read, and I have read hundreds by some really good writers but this one is...I can't find a word that truly fits it.… (more)
Carol420 | 12 other reviews | Aug 7, 2022 |
Well I tried to make it through this story, but I am going to have to put it down as one of my dreaded dnf reads.

A small backstory though just for the heck of it:

Estaban Gravesend has inherited a mansion from his uncle which supposedly is haunted. As Estaban settles into the mansion he tries to learn the secrets and mystery of why the house is haunted.

That is about all I am going to say on the backstory.


Okay so the reasoning for the dnf is because too much world building all the way up to near half of the story and there is no haunting that Estaban has to experience until near the 50% mark which there was just a dribble - nothing to spook you out of your skin. The dialogue is off as well and to me the storyline didn't flow along. There is also a change up between first person and third person with the character Estaban as sometimes the author will have him in first person and then it switches over to the third person. My opinion is: stay in either one or the other as it is just too confusing with jumping around.

I was not feeling anything with any of the characters in the book and I fell asleep a few times just trying to get through the storyline. To be reading a haunted house story and to fall asleep is not good as it shows there is something lacking in the entertainment of the book. I can see now why some reviewers struggled with this book as I felt the struggle too. Since this book is a dnf there will be no star rating. If I did give a star rating it would be for the cover only as the book cover is way creepier than what lays within the pages of this book.
… (more)
BookNookRetreat7 | 10 other reviews | Jul 25, 2022 |
A pretty good book. I was disappointed by [b:Neverland|1169354|Neverland|Douglas Clegg|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1335154314s/1169354.jpg|374240], the only other [a:Douglas Clegg|4497|Douglas Clegg|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1272304889p2/4497.jpg] book I've read, but this was fine and a great October book. Clegg creates great characters a la McCammon and gives them life. We care about Stony Crawford and his dilemma. The story was suspenseful but a little difficult to follow at times due to all the jumping around. Clegg has a creative plot and a clever resolution. I thought the writing was above average for this type of mmpb horror and a delight to read.… (more)
Gumbywan | 4 other reviews | Jun 24, 2022 |



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