Richard Thomson (disambiguation)

"Richard Thomson" is composed of at least 7 distinct authors, divided by their works.

About the Author

Includes the name: Richard Thomson

Author Division

Common Knowledge

Disambiguation notice
RT 1), author of Toulouse-Lautrec and Montmartre, b.1953, is Watson Gordon Professor of Fine Art at the University of Edinburgh.
RT 2), author of An historical essay on the Magna charta...., was an antiquarian (1794-1865).
RT 3), author of Old roses for modern gardens, writes on horticulture.
RT 4), author of Apocalypse Roulette is a financial journalist, formerly deputy City editor of tthe Independent on Sunday.
RT 5), author of Antique American Clocks and Watches writes about antique timepieces!
#6 Thomson, Richard E. Oceanography of the British Columbia coast
#7 Richard Thomson - Tongariro
#8 Richard Thomson produced Eyewitness Weather