Picture of author.

Greg van Eekhout

Author of Norse Code

47+ Works 1,685 Members 121 Reviews 2 Favorited

About the Author

Includes the names: Greg Van Eekhout, Greg Van Eekhout

Image credit: Author Greg van Eekhout at the 2019 Texas Book Festival in Austin, Texas, United States. By Larry D. Moore, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=83835777


Works by Greg van Eekhout

Norse Code (2009) 376 copies
California Bones (2014) 335 copies
Voyage of the Dogs (2018) 124 copies
Cog (2019) 108 copies
Kid vs. Squid (2010) 96 copies
Pacific Fire (2015) 88 copies
Weird Kid (2021) 53 copies
Dragon Coast (2015) 51 copies
Fenris & Mott (2022) 28 copies
Last Son of Tomorrow (2009) 18 copies
The Ghost Job (2023) 9 copies

Associated Works

The Solaris Book of New Science Fiction: Volume 1 (2007) — Contributor — 222 copies
Paper Cities: An Anthology of Urban Fantasy (2008) — Contributor — 218 copies
Other Earths (2009) — Contributor — 181 copies
The Book of Magic: A Collection of Stories (2018) — Contributor — 169 copies
The Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2017 (2017) — Contributor — 143 copies
Diverse Energies (2012) — Contributor — 137 copies
Worlds Seen in Passing: Ten Years of Tor.com Short Fiction (2018) — Contributor — 128 copies
Horrors! 365 Scary Stories (Anthology) (1998) — Contributor — 125 copies
Starlight 3 (2001) — Contributor — 103 copies
Wastelands: The New Apocalypse (2019) — Contributor — 90 copies
New Skies: An Anthology of Today's Science Fiction (2003) — Contributor — 87 copies
Fantasy: The Best of the Year, 2007 Edition (2007) — Contributor — 76 copies
Year's Best Fantasy 6 (2006) — Contributor — 72 copies
Escape Pod: The Science Fiction Anthology (2020) — Contributor — 70 copies
Year's Best Fantasy 7 (2007) — Contributor — 61 copies
2113: Stories Inspired by the Music of Rush (2016) — Contributor — 50 copies
Fantasy: The Best of 2001 (2002) — Contributor — 42 copies
Aliens: Recent Encounters (2013) — Contributor — 38 copies
The Stories: Five Years of Original Fiction on tor.com (2013) — Contributor — 38 copies
Whispers from the Abyss (2013) — Contributor — 26 copies
Polyphony 4 (2004) — Contributor — 26 copies
Polyphony 5 (2005) — Contributor — 20 copies
Clarkesworld: Issue 101 (February 2015) (2015) — Contributor — 13 copies
Uncanny Magazine Issue 29: July/August 2019 (2019) — Contributor — 10 copies
The Best of Strange Horizons: Year Two (2004) — Contributor — 7 copies
Lady Churchill's Rosebud Wristlet No. 10 — Contributor — 1 copy
Daily Science Fiction: November 2010 (2010) — Contributor — 1 copy
Daily Science Fiction: January 2011 (2011) — Contributor — 1 copy
Daily Science Fiction: February 2011 (2011) — Contributor — 1 copy


(16) 2007 (22) adventure (26) aliens (16) alternate history (39) anthology (518) C (17) collection (32) dystopia (33) ebook (94) fantasy (451) fiction (371) horror (95) humor (21) Kindle (29) library (20) magic (29) Norse mythology (19) not free sf reader (14) own (15) owned (15) read (58) read in 2015 (19) robots (22) science fiction (512) Science Fiction/Fantasy (18) sf (167) sff (55) short fiction (34) short stories (381) short story (29) signed (15) speculative fiction (54) Star Wars (18) to-read (488) unread (53) urban fantasy (97) wishlist (21) YA (25) year's best (22)

Common Knowledge



This is adorable. Funny, lively plot, and provides useful information on heists. What else could a middle grade reader want?
Jon_Hansen | 1 other review | Mar 29, 2024 |
It's been a really long time since I was forced to stay up past my bedtime because I couldn't put a book down. This one made me do it.

I loved the worldbuilding. Even though the entire book was set in Los Angeles, we get a glimpse of how this alternate world is much like, but unlike our today. Being a Los Angelina, I loved the historical figures that were featured in the book.

And, oh, the magic.... It was as fascinating as it was creepy and made sense.

I hope this was the beginning of a trilogy and/or that we see more of this world. I'm off to see what else Mr. Van Eekhout has written.

Highly recommended read.

EDIT 2/6/15 - Still as good as the 1st time.
… (more)
jazzbird61 | 24 other reviews | Feb 29, 2024 |
I literally yelled "You can't end it like that!" out loud. While somewhat of a cliffhanger--it's acceptable. As a licensed cliffhanger hater, that's saying a lot. I can't wait for the next installment and would love to also get this one in audiobook format.
jazzbird61 | 11 other reviews | Feb 29, 2024 |
Recommended Ages: Gr. 4-7

Plot Summary: Jake has a big secret. He's not really human. His parents found him in a glob that crashed to earth 12 years ago in their neighborhood. Jake's parents want him to be happy and healthy and they're not sure he can stay safe in a real school now that he's started to shapeshift. They allow him after Jake promises to be careful. With cell phones capturing video, no one wants Jake to shapeshift in front of others because his secret will be out there and "they" will find him, maybe to run tests on him. When Jake and his new friend Agnes explore a sink hole in their town and Jake sees some of the same goo that his parents found him in, he's worried. The hum that he feels in his belly before he shapeshifts is also stronger more often now. And more and more sink holes are appearing. One time, at the mall, he changes into a seal in the privacy of his own stall. But tons of videos were captured and he's mortified. Agnes, on the other hand, thinks Jake being able to shapeshift is the greatest thing ever. Together, they want to solve the mystery of the goo and the sinkholes before others find out about Jake. Can they do it before others?

Setting: Arizona, outside of Phoenix

Jake Wind - 12 y/o, homeschooled for most of his life
Mom -
Dad - proctologist, makes lots of butt jokes
Agnes Oakes - new to school, likes the same superhero show Nite Kite as Jake, dad died in a warehouse accident
Dale - Jake's uncle, acts like a airhead except when talking or making music
Growler - Jake's dog

Recurring Themes: alien, space, adventure, friendship, survival, family, adoption, belonging

Controversial Issues: none

Personal Thoughts: Better than I thought for a genre I don't always love. Could be a lot to discuss. Well written.

Genre: science fiction

Pacing: medium
Characters: decent character development

… (more)
pigeonlover | 6 other reviews | Dec 29, 2023 |



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