
Real Name
About My Library
This is a side collection for me to keep up with books that I want and also to write reviews for books that I have borrowed or discarded or listened to.


Borrows: Books borrowed for book club, from the library, or from people around me.

Wants: Books that I absolutely, positively must buy. Mostly made up of additional books to series that I have read and want to continue reading.

Discards: Books that were originally part of my original collection, but I got rid of for some reason. Typically because I thought they were awful.

Audiobooks: Books I listen to, regardless of source (owned, borrowed, discarded, etc.). As of now, I don't really consider listening to audiobooks a form of "reading", mainly because my mind tends to wander while listening. However, my opinions may change in the future, and I would like to keep a record of my opinions on any audiobooks I listen to just in case. I am a digital packrat.
About Me
My name is Amanda. My main profile on LT is Magadri. I'm just a little crazy about organizing things, so I started this collection because I didn't want to pollute my reading stats on my main collection. Now it is morphing into a sort of catch-all for wishlists, read unowned books, and audiobooks. In time it may morph into a dragon or some other mythical creature. That might be cool?

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