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About My Library
pretty diverse. although i seem to go towards books with prophecies or about creatures and things.i loved the TWILIGHT SERIES! my second fave series is GREGOR THE OVERLANDER or UNDERLAND CHRONICLES
About Me
most of my friends say i'm crazy cause i like to act silly and joke around.straight A student, lot of friends,'cept for the occasional hater.I LOVE CHOCOLATE!like almost all kinds of music, i would list artists but that would take too long and people would get bored, why waste time on something people may not even read, right?i am a vivid reader,or at least that is the way i feel i am since my face is almost always buried in a book. i like to re-read books, and discover new books.

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i recently convinced my little sister to join LT, she is coolcat474

every now and again, i post messages on my own board.
most of the time its about stuff that means i wont be online or that i've got cool info about something sure to check for them!most of the time they're in all CAPS so......ya.
here's my pic for H.E. and The Galactic Bookworms Of Doom

now, i love here is my favorite quote that i happen to have memorized:
pg.510, New Moon

"How can I make it so that you'll believe me? You're no t dead, and you're not dreaming. I'm here, and I love you. I have always loved you, and I will always love you. When I said I didn't want you, that was the blackest kind of blasphemy."

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