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Nov 6, 2018
About My Library

This is a secondary account for lorax, to hold short fiction (including, in a few cases, short novels that are included in very large retrospective anthologies). I indicate where I have a story in comments and tags; if I have a story in multiple locations it is entered only once, with comments and the "Number of Copies" fields used to indicate where I have it. I do not include poetry or essays; this means that the "Related Works" for some of my anthologies may be incomplete.

"Date" in this catalog refers to the original publication date of the short story, since in many cases I have a story in multiple anthologies with different publication dates.

"Short story" in the title is only to indicate "short fiction", not to distinguish between novellas, novelettes, etc. Please do not use this as a basis for separation from works marked as "novella", etc.

"Related works" for the collections / anthologies whose contents are represented here are complete (for fiction, not essays and poetry, which I have not entered) as of March 9, 2020.

Hey, we finally got maps! Check mine out (current as of 07 Mar 2024). I'd love to fill it out more - if you know any science fiction or fantasy authors from countries I haven't covered please let me know.

I rely heavily on ISFDB to determine whether a given short story shares the name with a collection or novel for combination purposes in some cases. Please contact me if I have made an error in this respect.

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