
horror (12), maine (7), lovecraft (3), supernatural (3), history (3), fiction (2), cryptozoology (2), Maine (2), mad scientist (2), antarctica (2), unsettling (2), weird fiction (2), folklore (2), sleuth (2), short stories (2), ghosthunting (2), abandoned (2), magical realism (2), urban exploration (2), scifi (2), absurd (2), mystery (2), creepy (2), lumberjacks (1), scale modeling (1), model building (1), karloff (1), guru (1), collection guide (1), paranormal investigation (1), murder (1), cryptids (1), Bela Lugosi (1), gravestones (1), tombstones (1), dioramas (1), corvid (1), moose (1), hudson valley (1), sleuthing (1), green man (1), intriguing (1), New Hampshire (1), upstate New York (1), classic monsters (1), Rory O'Brien (1), UAF (1), tortured artist (1), stonecarver (1), bookscouting (1), peaks island (1), film commentary (1), lugosi (1), occult horror (1), Maine author (1), Sasquatch (1), taphophilia (1), bigfoot (1), artist colony (1), new england (1), space (1), paleontology (1), cthulhu (1), UFOs (1), monster movies (1), macabre (1), scandinavian (1), lovecraftian (1), museum guide (1), urban legends (1), sherlockian (1), film history (1), fantasy (1), social history (1), exploration (1), strange (1), unique (1), American history (1), victorian (1), quirky (1), weird (1), haunting (1), spy (1), psychology (1), faerie (1), science fiction (1), fairy tales (1), clues (1), fringe (1), pulp fiction (1), architecture (1), monsters (1), grief (1), paranormal (1), speculative fiction (1), boarding school (1), british (1), serial killer (1), multiple narrators (1), necrophilia (1), enchanting (1), New England fiction (1), Bigfoot (1), pancakes (1), unsolved mysteries (1), border (1), magic (1), cemeteries (1), amish (1), freaky (1), haunted houses (1), phenomena (1), insight (1), dreams (1), how-to (1), cosmic horror (1), Salem (1), female narrator (1), dreamlike (1), ghost stories (1), classic horror (1), Massachusetts (1), eerie (1), political intrigue (1), raven (1), police procedural (1), Bartlett Adams (1)
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Feb 26, 2008
Real Name
Michelle Souliere
About My Library
Concentrations appear in the realm of fantastic fiction (especially supernatural, horror, and Lovecraft-related), and Maine-related fiction and non-fiction. What is here on Library Thing is what seems like the most representative (to me) of my interests. Since it's a free account which allows a finite number of entries, there is a lot that is not entered, and a lot of authors that are represented by a single volume, sometimes two or three. Such staples as Sherlock Holmes, Agatha Christie, etc, are not (yet) listed, but they are certainly on my bookshelf and flock through my reading history.

This is going to be a long process! I avoided joining Library Thing for the longest time...
About Me
Illustrator, artist, writer, librarian, editor of the Strange Maine Gazette and blog, as well as various past zines. Constantly subjected to CURIOSITY. I cannot escape it!!!

Now also founder/owner of The Green Hand bookshop in Portland, Maine.
Portland, Maine, USA
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Bookstores: Coast City Comics, Cunningham Books, Longfellow Books, The Green Hand Bookshop, Yes Books

Libraries: Portland Public Library

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