1970’s American Literature

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1970’s American Literature

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Feb 25, 2015, 5:11 pm


About a man who marries a much younger woman. He loves to eat Oreo cookies (I remember this being a big deal in the book). He takes good care of his wife and has a job but is really an average guy. I think they first meet in the rain. She might work in a restaurant.

It was a paperback; 150-200 pages?

It was probably written in the 70’s, but no later than 1983.

Feb 26, 2015, 4:03 am

A quick look in Google Books for 70s fiction mentioning Oreos only finds a few hits:
- Looking for Mr Goodbar, Judith Rossner
- The Stepford wives, Ira Levin
- So this is depravity, Russell Baker
- Tales of a fourth grade nothing, Judy Blume
- Jane's House, Robert Kimmel Smith
- With friends like these, Lisa Fosburgh

Do any of them sound possible?

Feb 26, 2015, 12:40 pm

Definitely not Looking for Mr Goodbar (!) and if it's in Stepford Wives it's only a very small bit of background information, not the plot. I peeked: the Baker book is a collection of essays, so no. A shame. Quite liked the idea of a book with that title having Oreos as an important plot element.

Mar 3, 2015, 1:09 pm

Thanks for the suggestions but I don't think it was any of those.

I am reaching back a long way but I remember the point of the book was "Being good enough." Of all of our aspirations what do we need to do to live a good life and for it to be enough. The main character was never stellar. He never exceeded at anything but he was a good man and provided for his family.

Thanks again.

Jul 5, 2016, 11:46 pm

I found it! It is called Nickel Mountain by John Gardener. It was written in 1973. Henry Soames age 40, is the main character. 312 pages, so I was a little off. He runs the diner. Takes care of a 17 year old girl who starts working there and get pregnant and abandoned by a young man who runs off to collage. Henry and Callie get married. I have to read it again. I read it in collage in 1984. I am sure I will have a little different perspective on it now. Thanks for your help.

Jul 6, 2016, 8:50 am

Nice find!

Touchstone add: Nickel Mountain

Jul 6, 2016, 12:29 pm

Now I'm curious, so I've requested it from the library. :-)