Happy Canada Day!!!

TalkCanadian Bookworms

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Happy Canada Day!!!

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Jul 1, 2016, 7:37 pm

Just wanted to say Happy Canada Day! Hope everyone is able to enjoy!

Jul 1, 2016, 8:12 pm

Thanks, and the same to you! I spent it in downtown Ottawa as usual. Lots of booths to visit and fun activities to do. Boarded a Canadian Coast Guard fast rescue craft, ate cake at the Museum of History, watched the Snowbirds fly past at noon on the Hill, and attended a military band concert where the band played jazz tunes.

We also had a thunderstorm roll through about half an hour ago, but it seems to be clearing up now.

Happy Canada Day to all!

Jul 4, 2016, 11:37 pm


I was at "home", where I grew up in Southern Saskatchewan (I live in Calgary, Alberta, now). Saw a parade in Swift Current in the morning, then went out to a nearby (small) regional park for Bingo and fireworks in the evening.

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