New book by Canadian author - Just Think about It

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New book by Canadian author - Just Think about It

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Apr 22, 2018, 11:01 am

Looking for an interviewer and/or other interested readers (currently on the giveaway list) for my new book, Just Think about It.

It's a collection of think pieces on a variety of topics: the environment (the notion of garbage, who owns the water, climate change as entertainment, … ), business (the limits of advertising, business in denial, …), individual rights and social issues (making certain words illegal, slutwalks, cultural anarchy, a concept of noise trespass, …), ethics (what’s wrong with selling your organs, euthanasia, should parents need to be licensed, …), education (the failure of …), and so on.

The piece titled "Canada Day -- Are you sure you want to celebrate?" might be of special interest ...

Apr 22, 2018, 11:12 am

You might want to look at some groups that are designed for authors " Hobnob with Authors" is one.

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