Reading the Giller nominees 2020

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Reading the Giller nominees 2020

Sep 26, 2020, 12:59 am

I’ve being reading through the Giller longlist,I’ve completed six and I start my next one tomorrow. Mostly I’ve been very underwhelmed by the selection. I find myself thinking over and over again-the jury read 110 books and they chose this? The only two of any literary merit is the Emma Donaghue which I think might win,and the Lynn Coady-Watching You Watching Me which was the best book I read this year. Recipes for a Perfect Wife was submitted but it didn’t make the long list-I thought it was fantastic. The Donaghue is very strong and incredibly topical. The research is incredible,but I thought there was too much historical information about medicine and I really didn’t need to read the procedure for assisting a woman in giving birth in such detail. It went on and on. The ending is also a bit of a clunker .

Sep 27, 2020, 3:14 pm

I don't follow prizes much (except for Canada Reads). But I did read and enjoy Watching You Without Me. The Pull of Stars is on my wish list....I might remove it.

Edited: Dec 3, 2020, 4:41 am

It's rare that I read anything contemporary, but I'm hoping to read Ridgerunner before too long, mostly because I spotted it before I knew it was nominated for anything, and it caught my interest.

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