Giller long list guesses?

TalkCanadian Bookworms

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Giller long list guesses?

Aug 18, 2021, 9:09 pm

I would have placed Camilla Gibb in this list but for the most part I didn’t think the book was very good.
I’m currently in the middle of the new Gary Barwin and I’d say he has a good chance.
I think Mona Awad is likely as is the new collection of short fiction by Vasjani . Maybe David Adams Richards. I thought the Mary Lawson was awful but she’s been nominated for a Booker so...and I really hope they don’t include Rachel Cusk again because there’s nothing Canadian about her,same with Russell Banks. Both would be an embarrassment.

Aug 18, 2021, 9:10 pm

David Bergen always has a good shot but I thought his last book which made the list was terrible as was the novel before that.

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