Brandon Sanderson Kickstarter

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Brandon Sanderson Kickstarter

Mar 2, 2022, 9:50 am

I am curious to know if anyone else is following the Brandon Sanderson Kickstarter campaign that kicked off yesterday. If you are not aware of it, Sanderson simultaneously released a YouTube video and KS campaign to reveal he will publish four new novels in 2023. Multiple formats are available: eBook, audiobook, premium hardcover.

I have read some of Sanderson's work, but I am more of a fan of him because of his YT videos during the pandemic. It would be interesting if any others are backing the KS campaign.

Mar 2, 2022, 5:16 pm

I'm aware of him but I've never read any of his books, or the Wheel of Time series, so I haven't actually looked into his stuff. I've been leaning into other directions as far as fantasy goes.

Mar 2, 2022, 5:23 pm

I like Brandon Sanderson's writing, and I've read the first three books in the Stormlight series. I'm tempted by the Kickstarter campaign, but honestly, I don't actually need 4 more Sanderson books in my collection, as I still want to continue Stormlight and I've got half of the Wheel of Time series to finish. Also, as he has collected $21 million so far, I'm not sure he desperately needs my meagre contribution. :)

Mar 2, 2022, 5:30 pm

Did he take over Wheel of Time? Not sure what happened with that after Robert Jordan.

Mar 2, 2022, 5:32 pm

>4 WeeTurtle: Yes, he was chosen by Jordan and his wife to complete the series before Jordan passed away.

Mar 2, 2022, 5:43 pm

>3 mathgirl40: I decided to go for the eBook option. Like nearly everyone that is active on these forums (fora?), I do not need to add four more books to my TBR pile, but being part of something big like this is kind of fun. I have no intention of buying the subscription boxes, as I am not nearly enough fan of any author to do that.

Mar 2, 2022, 5:46 pm

I do remember seeing some special edition Steven Erikson books that looked wonderful, but they did not come cheap, and the print run was limited. One image from those editions is currently my laptop background.

I think I would support a kickstarter that was devoted to fancy copies and bindings of books I've already read and enjoyed.

Mar 2, 2022, 8:42 pm

>6 robertwmartin: Well, I can't blame you for doing that! It does sound like fun. I just can't justify it for myself at the moment, but it's nice to see Sanderson get so much love.

>7 WeeTurtle: Great to see another Erikson fan here. I've just started book 5 of the Malazan Book of the Fallen series.

Mar 3, 2022, 2:11 am

>8 mathgirl40: I skipped book 2 and went on to book 3, but I think I'll go back and read it now. My friend who's read the series several times over didn't think I'd like the second as much, and I have a lot of material to catch up on. Could go book 4. Not sure. So many other books...

Mar 3, 2022, 7:54 am

>9 WeeTurtle: I actually liked book 2 a lot and would recommend reading it before going on to book 4, but I also understand about having too many other books to read and having to make choices!

Mar 3, 2022, 10:02 am

There's so much goes on in the Malazan series, I wouldn't risk straying from it for too long if you want to keep it all straight. I alternated back and forth while reading that series, reading something non-fantasy in between each to let each volume sink in.

Do you know about's read-along series? Some really fantastic insights there, I checked out the entries after completing the chapters to help me pick up things I missed and to know what I should especially remember:

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