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Alfred Bester (1913–1987)

Author of The Stars My Destination

85+ Works 15,807 Members 349 Reviews 85 Favorited

About the Author


Works by Alfred Bester

The Stars My Destination (1956) 6,316 copies
The Demolished Man (1952) 4,691 copies
The Computer Connection (1975) 807 copies
The Deceivers (1981) 512 copies
Psychoshop (1998) 481 copies
Starburst (1958) — Author — 403 copies
Golem 100 (1980) 400 copies
The Dark Side of the Earth (1964) 339 copies
Redemolished (2000) 210 copies
Rat Race (1953) 44 copies
The Flowered Thundermug (1964) 28 copies
Alfred Bester 21 copies
The Pi Man (1959) 20 copies
Tender Loving Rage (1600) 20 copies
Hell Is Forever (1942) 15 copies
5,271,009 (1954) 14 copies
Will You Wait? (1959) 11 copies
Oddy And Id (1950) 10 copies
Galatea Galante [novelette] (1979) 10 copies
Disappearing Act (1954) 9 copies
Time Is The Traitor (1953) 7 copies
The Animal Fair (1972) 7 copies
The Push of a Finger (1942) 5 copies
The Die-Hard 5 copies
Out of This World (1964) 4 copies
The Probable Man (1941) 4 copies
Carrera de ratas (1956) 2 copies
El hombre Pi 1 copy
Metà A metà B — Author — 1 copy
Anarsist 1 copy

Associated Works

The World Treasury of Science Fiction (1989) — Contributor — 895 copies
Adventures in Time and Space (1946) — Contributor, some editions — 554 copies
100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories (1978) — Contributor — 411 copies
The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1994) — Contributor — 396 copies
Science Fiction Omnibus (1952) — Contributor — 340 copies
A Treasury of Great Science Fiction, Volume 2 (1959) — Contributor — 319 copies
A Treasury of Great Science Fiction [2-volume set] (1959) — Contributor — 295 copies
Space Opera (1974) — Contributor — 268 copies
Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Treasury (1988) — Contributor — 250 copies
Robert Silverberg's Worlds of Wonder (1987) — Author — 246 copies
The Road to Science Fiction #3: From Heinlein to Here (1979) — Contributor — 243 copies
Astounding: John W. Campbell Memorial Anthology (1973) — Contributor — 241 copies
The 1975 Annual World's Best SF (1975) — Contributor — 212 copies
The Arbor House Treasury of Modern Science Fiction (1980) — Contributor — 197 copies
American Science Fiction : Five Classic Novels 1956-58 (2012) — Contributor — 197 copies
A Century of Science Fiction (1962) — Contributor — 196 copies
9th Annual Edition: The Year's Best S-F (1964) — Contributor — 167 copies
A Science Fiction Argosy (1972) — Contributor, some editions — 162 copies
Great Tales of Science Fiction (1985) — Contributor — 162 copies
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 3 (1941) (1980) — Contributor — 154 copies
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 9th Series (1961) — Contributor — 154 copies
The Ultimate Cyberpunk (2002) — Contributor — 151 copies
A Decade of Fantasy and Science Fiction (1960) — Contributor — 147 copies
Connoisseur's Science Fiction (1964) — Contributor — 146 copies
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 8th Series (1959) — Contributor — 136 copies
The Wesleyan Anthology of Science Fiction (2010) — Contributor — 135 copies
Analog: The Best of Science Fiction (1982) — Contributor — 129 copies
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #3 (1974) — Contributor — 122 copies
Voyagers in Time (1967) — Contributor — 118 copies
Spectrum 3 (1963) — Contributor — 117 copies
Galaxy, Thirty Years of Innovative Science Fiction (1980) — Contributor — 114 copies
The SFWA Grand Masters, Volume 2 (2000) — Contributor — 114 copies
Science Fiction of the 50's (1971) — Contributor — 113 copies
The Worlds of Science Fiction (1963) — Epilogue — 113 copies
The Best Science Fiction of the Year #9 (1980) — Contributor — 107 copies
Cyber-killers (1997) — Contributor, some editions — 106 copies
American Science Fiction: Nine Classic Novels of the 1950s (2012) — Contributor — 105 copies
Star Science Fiction Stories No. 2 (1953) — Contributor — 103 copies
Star of Stars (1960) — Contributor — 103 copies
Space Odysseys (1974) 100 copies
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 13th Series (1964) — Contributor — 100 copies
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 3rd Series (1954) — Contributor — 93 copies
Unknown Worlds : Tales from Beyond (1988) — Contributor — 92 copies
Best SF Two (1956) — Contributor — 92 copies
Strange gifts: Eight stories of science fiction (1975) — Author — 92 copies
The Great SF Stories 12 (1950) (1973) — Contributor — 91 copies
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 16 (1954) (1987) — Contributor — 91 copies
Magic For Sale (1983) — Contributor — 87 copies
Beyond Control (1972) — Contributor — 85 copies
The Best of Analog (1978) — Author — 85 copies
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 4th Series (1955) — Contributor — 83 copies
Other Dimensions: Ten Stories of Science Fiction (1973) — Contributor — 75 copies
Nova 4 (1974) — Contributor — 75 copies
More Adventures in Time and Space (1951) — Contributor — 71 copies
Alpha 1 (1970) — Contributor — 68 copies
The Best Science Fiction Stories (1977) — Author, some editions — 67 copies
The Vintage Anthology of Science Fantasy. (1966) — Contributor — 66 copies
Time Travelers (Fiction in the Fourth Dimension) (1997) — Contributor — 65 copies
Alpha 4 (1973) — Contributor — 61 copies
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 20th Series (1973) — Contributor — 58 copies
Timescapes (1997) — Contributor — 57 copies
Laughing Space: An Anthology of Science Fiction Humour (1982) — Contributor — 56 copies
Assignment in Tomorrow: An Anthology (1954) — Contributor — 55 copies
The Second Science Fiction Megapack (2011) — Author — 53 copies
The Third Omni Book of Science Fiction (1985) — Contributor — 49 copies
The End of Summer: Science Fiction of the Fifties (1979) — Contributor — 48 copies
Turning Points: Essays on the Art of Science Fiction (1977) — Contributor — 47 copies
Science Fiction: The Great Years Vol II (1975) — Contributor — 45 copies
The Arbor House Treasury of Science Fiction Masterpieces (1983) — Contributor — 43 copies
SF: Authors' Choice 2 (1970) — Contributor — 42 copies
Great Science Fiction Stories (1968) — Contributor — 40 copies
Science Fiction Novel: Imagination and Social Criticism (1959) — Contributor — 39 copies
The Seventh Omni Book of Science Fiction (1989) — Contributor — 38 copies
Sense of Wonder: A Century of Science Fiction (2011) — Contributor — 32 copies
Infinite jests;: The lighter side of science fiction (1974) — Contributor — 30 copies
Top Science Fiction: The Authors' Choice (1984) — Contributor — 28 copies
The Androids Are Coming (1979) — Contributor — 28 copies
Tomorrow and Tomorrow : Ten Tales of the Future (1973) — Contributor — 24 copies
The Best from Fantastic (1973) — Contributor — 23 copies
The Best Science Fiction Stories: 1951 (1951) — Contributor — 23 copies
Political science fiction;: An introductory reader (1974) — Contributor — 13 copies
The Best Science Fiction Stories: 1954 (1954) — Contributor — 11 copies
The Best Science Fiction Stories: 1953 (1953) — Introduction — 11 copies
Galaxy Science Fiction 1956 December, Vol. 13, No. 2 (1956) — Contributor — 9 copies
Bruna Science Fiction Omnibus 2 (1969) — Contributor — 8 copies
Alfa Twee: SF-Verhalen (1974) — Contributor — 7 copies
Ikarus 2001. Best of Science Fiction. (2001) — Contributor — 7 copies
The Best from Fantasy and Science Fiction: 2nd Series (1983) — Contributor — 5 copies
Stella a cinque mondi — Contributor — 4 copies
Faseskift. Science Fiction noveller (1984) — Author, some editions — 3 copies
Spec-Lit, No. 2: Speculative Fiction (1998) — Contributor — 3 copies
The Shadow: Four Cassette Crate Series (1992) — Radio Play, some editions — 3 copies


20th century (104) Alfred Bester (90) American (63) American literature (65) anthology (2,115) Bester (67) classic (141) classics (63) collection (178) cyberpunk (105) ebook (164) fantasy (259) fiction (2,360) goodreads (55) hardcover (173) HC (52) Hugo Award (59) hugo winner (59) novel (256) own (93) owned (56) paperback (184) PB (60) read (292) revenge (59) science fiction (6,821) Science Fiction/Fantasy (165) sf (1,859) SF Masterworks (128) SFBC (57) sff (341) short fiction (75) short stories (1,324) space opera (60) speculative fiction (113) stories (107) telepathy (120) teleportation (80) to-read (1,196) unread (267)

Common Knowledge



FEBRUARY READ - SPOILERS - The Stars My Destination in The Green Dragon (March 2014)
FEBRUARY READ - NO SPOILERS - The Stars My Destination in The Green Dragon (February 2014)


Despite being written in 1953, this book has distinct "seventies vibes" for me.
It's not my favorite, but it has a lot of psychologial insight, a decent mystery puzzle, and an ingenious psy-ops setup.
The technological predictions for the future (2301 AD) hit about 50/50 (that is far too far in advance for anything rational -- see the difference between now and 1674), with the usual sf chronacronisms (tech and social aspects that are still stuck in the writer's era).
There was a lot of vulgarity and foul language, but not obscene.… (more)
librisissimo | 110 other reviews | Apr 10, 2024 |
This was a mixed bag for me.

First the good things. This is an action psychedelic story that I would (to be honest) expect from Philip K Dick. Story is set in far future where humans have evolved in a way they are capable of physically jaunting - jumping to remote location using mere thought. This transformed the entire world in a way that for example actual locations of buildings are no longer relevant so buildings just pop up wherever builders want it. With this you would think that society is also advanced, right? Well, it is not. World is pretty much the same. Corporations are de facto rulers of the world and those that do not fit are left wandering space in hippy-like communes, left alone until they find themselves on the path of corpo's. Rich and influential enjoy in the old technology (hipsters anyone?) because jaunting and entire moderna is soooo boring. Of course they use every means of protection available (personal armies and armed ships) but they like to enjoy in the sophisticated things of the past. This is also time where soldiers and mercenaries get sub-dermal enhancements, cybernetic implants and get hypno-therapy conditioning to act as sleeping agents. People are very deadly in this future and depending on the situation sleeping agents are all around just waiting for key words to get triggered (Treadstone anyone?). So as you can see this is very rich world, miles away from our own and yet so close and familiar. People still hunger for power and they are ready to do anything to rule over others.

Now the weird. Main character, Gully Foyle is a complete anachronism in his time. In all honesty he would be anachronism in any time outside the early Medieval times. He is so low in society that he is basically just barely alive. No initiative, no ambition, nothing but sheer physical strength but even this is powered down that for everyone else Gully is a person so bland and unremarkable that you would not give him any notice, shadow, grey man. Stuck doing a very arduous job he gets fired up by that ancient, ever present and potent force - thirst for revenge. This most base force will force him to change, to improve himself and bring his vengeance to people responsible. Foyle's very evolution from a drag of society to becoming "illuminated" human, maybe first of many to follow, trailblazer, is what the book is actually about. Foyle does some horrible things, leaves his friends behind, does not care what happens to others as long they are useful for him. But he evolves and becomes better, he transcends his limitations and finally manages to see the future, what in Dune would be called the Golden Path. Now some would find this offending (in this age of never forget and Foyle truly has a record) but last few pages of the novel are very interesting. Should majority be treated like kids and mindless mob by the selected few (kinds sounds contemporary, right?) or left to chose its own path, provided with enough knowledge and facts (now this sounds like utopia, right? imagine world without all the media houses serving the news :) toouuuggghh). Is the future of mankind actual merge of savage and knowledge, man that goes (in a similar way as his biological changes before and after birth) through entire cycle of his social development - from aggressive, barely speaking savage to illuminated human.

And now the not so good. I wont say bad because of the fact that this is 1950's book and majority of SF from that time is inspired by hallucinogenics and drugs and all works from that time in history have that trippy feeling. To say that story line is basically a collection of several story lines running in very weird relative directions is to say the least. Story holes become so obvious at time that characters are unrecognizable just going from one page to next. There is no transition, no interlude, nothing just wham, X is now completely different person. If you are persistent person this can be easily overcome but for others this will be a rather difficult book to read. Weirdly though story is rather fluid even with this structure. Author truly knows how to write.

All in all very interesting book, that raises some of the old (and eternal) questions on how should humanity move forward. Whether we like it or not we come across these even today (this year especially).

Recommended to all fans of SF and revenge stories.
… (more)
Zare | 174 other reviews | Jan 23, 2024 |
This was not the scifi book I was looking for.
Just a poor, suspense drama. Found the style quite difficult as well. Luckily, Bester is mostly scifi and will try reading The Demolished Man next.
MXMLLN | 2 other reviews | Jan 12, 2024 |
Not a very high brow book, but a good read nevertheless. The book is so strange and unnatural. All elements of the plot are ridiculous and a lot of the dialogue, especially the romance, is weak. Everything just sort of worked.
Will definitely consider reading Bester again.
MXMLLN | 174 other reviews | Jan 12, 2024 |



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