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Jan 15, 2007
Real Name
Jean Hontz
About My Library

I read fiction, mostly sci fi, fantasy, mystery, and historical fiction.

Top Five Books of 2024:

The Last Devil to Die - Richard Osman

Caliban's War - James S A Corey

Starter Villain - John Scalzi

Outland - Dennis E. Taylor

Elder Race - Adrian Tchaikovsky

About Me

We live on a small bayou, Sarah Ann, in Niceville, FL. I'm a Connecticut Yankee living on the Emerald Coast of Florida amidst the Boggy Boys and Girls. We RV a lot so we might be any where, at any time!

Buffy, our standard poodle, and L.C. our Labradoodle.

Niceville Florida on the Emerald Coast
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Bookstores: Barnes & Noble Booksellers - Crystal Lake Plaza

Libraries: Niceville Public Library

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